瑞士EMS PA12 TR90
2025-01-09 08:56 2次- 发布企业
- 东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司组织机构代码:91441900MA4WHWD068
- 报价
- 人民币¥98.00元每kg
- PA12
- 尼龙
- TR90
- 镜片材料
- 瑞士EMS
- 代理商
- 关键词
- 瑞士EMS PA12 TR90/镜片材料
- 所在地
- 东莞市樟木头镇奥园塑金国际8栋214
- 联系电话
- 0769-87600377
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- 13556776933
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瑞士EMS PA12 TR90
PA12 瑞士EMSTR90 超韧 延展性 高透
PA12 瑞士EMS XS-1443 耐化学,良好的强度
PA12 LV-2H 瑞士EMS 中等粘度,20%玻纤增强热安定级
PA12 瑞士EMS L 25 H 挤出级、
PA12 L 25 Z Black 9992 瑞士EMS 高粘度、用途:电线电缆应用
PA12 L16 瑞士EMS 高流动性、低粘度、 符合FDA
PA12 L16GM Natural 6634 瑞士EMS 高流动性、低水分的吸收、低粘度
PA12 L20 LF 瑞士EMS 低摩擦、低水分的吸收、润滑
PA12 L20 LM 瑞士EMS 热稳定、 用途:光纤电缆
PA12 L20EC 瑞士EMS 防静电、导电、耐磨性、耐化学性
PA12 瑞士EMS E62-S3
y 3, 2015, the Society of Plastics Engineers presented theircoveted awards for the most innovative automotive applicationsusing plastic materials in the automotive sector. Threeapplications using EMS materials were each nominated for one ofthese prestigious awards, but competition was stiff with a total ofmore than 40 applications entered. In the run-up to the awardceremony, the jury had announced that all entries were of a veryhigh qualit
PA12 briefintroduction: The scientific name of PA12 is polydodecamide, alsoknown as Nylon 12. The basic raw material for polymerization isbutadiene, which can be depended on petrochemical industry. It'ssemi-crystalline.-Crystalline thermoplastic. Its properties aresimilar to PA11, but its crystal structure is different. PA12 is agood electrical insulator and, like other polyamides, does notsuffer from dampness. It has excellent impact resistance,mechano-chemical stability. PA12 has many improved varieties inplasticizing and enhancing properties. 1 Chemical and physicalproperties of PA12 are linear from Butadiene,semi-crystalline-crystalline thermoplastic materials. Itsproperties are similar to PA11, but its crystal structure isdifferent. PA12 is a good electrical insulator and, like otherpolyamides, does not suffer from dampness. It has excellent impactresistance, mechano-chemical stability. PA12 has many improvedvarieties in plasticizing and enhancing properties. Compared withPA6 and PA66, these materials have lower melting point and density,and have very high moisture regain. PA12 has no resistance tostrong oxidizing acid. The stickiness of PA12 depends mainly onhumidity, temperature and storage time. It's very liquid. Theshrinkage is between 0.5% and 2% , depending on the material type,wall thickness and other process conditions. PROCESS CONDITIONS:before processing, the humidity should be kept below 0.1% . If thematerial is stored in the open air, it is recommended that it bedried in hot air at 85C for 4 to 5 hours. If the material is storedin an airtight container, then after 3 hours of temperature balancecan be used directly. MELTING TEMPERATURE: 240 ~ 300 °C, not morethan 310 °C for common characteristic materials, not more than 270°C for materials with flame retardancy. High injection speed canmake the molding well. PA12 NYLON 12 elastomer has excellent noiseand vibration damping properties. Under dry running conditions, ithas low sliding friction coefficient, good wear resistance and highvolume stability to steel, POM, PBT and other materials. Because ofthese properties, the product is especially suitable for DVD, CD,MD, VCR, portable cameras, digital cameras, printers and vcrssilent gear. Polyamide is one of the most widely used polymericmaterials. Ems-grivory is the world's most widely available polymermanufacturer. These high performance resins for injection moldingand extrusion processes are sold worldwide under the Grivory,grilamide, and Grilon trademarks. The polyamides manufactured byEMS-GRIVORY are used in automotive, industrial and consumerproducts, electrical and electronics, communications, lenses,medical technology and packaging market segments, withmanufacturing plants in Germany, China, Taiwan and the UnitedStates. In addition, we have a development and sales organizationin major markets in Europe, Asia and the Americas that can quicklyreach the site to provide customer service. Ms-grivory's strengthlies not only in developing and producing high-performancepolyamides, but also in working with global customers to developinnovative system solutions. Cost Savings and weight reductionthrough metal alternatives are at the heart of its focus, butEMS-GRIVORY also offers * * Solutions for high quality surfaces,designs and colors.
成立日期 | 2017年05月09日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘华容 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
经营范围 | 塑胶原料、塑胶颜料、塑胶助剂、塑胶制品、其他化工产品(不含危险化学品);货物进出口、技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 | ||
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- PA66(70G43L)杜邦美国30.00元/kg
PA66:阻燃级 - (K树脂K胶)KR0320.00元/kg
K胶:挤出级 - PBT台湾长春(供应代理商)21.00元/kg
PBT:原材料 - POM美国杜邦100ST22.00元/kg
POM:高韧性 - PMMA台湾奇美(PMMA原材料)19.00元/kg
PMMA:代理商 - PBT长春302022.00元/kg
PBT:原材料 - 台湾长春PBT(抗溶解性)110012.00元/kg
PBT:高耐磨性 - 原料POM美国杜邦 100ST23.00元/kg
美国杜邦:聚氧亚甲 - PBT美国杜邦LW932020.00元/kg
PBT:原材料 - 台湾奇美PMMA CM-20320.00元/kg