PA66 美国杜邦103FHS BKB038玻纤增 强33%

2021-07-27 15:09 1次
PA66,103FHS BKB038
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Nylon 66 (PA66) is an important engineering plastic, withexcellent characteristics of chemical corrosion resistance, wearresistance, heat resistance, self lubrication, easy processing,etc., which is widely used in automobile panel, electronic andelectrical appliances, clothing and other industries. Thecharacteristics of pure PA66 material can meet the generalapplication requirements in daily life [1-5]. However, PA66molecular chain contains a large number of amide groups and hashigh water absorption, which will lead to a significant decrease inthe strength of PA66 materials and limit the application scope ofPA66. At present, PA66 composite has good application prospects.Its main advantages are as follows: 1) it can improve thestructural efficiency and reduce the structural weight of thematerial; 2) The integration of structure and function can realizespecial functions and further improve the safety and functionalityof the structure. It is mainly used in aerospace, construction,transportation and other fields. Therefore, improving the strengthof PA66 has become the difficulty and hotspot of current research[6]. At present, the commonly used methods to improve the strengthof PA66 mainly include two kinds: 1) chemical modification, throughcrosslinking, grafting, copolymerization and other methods tochange the molecular structure of PA66, so as to achieve the effectof reinforcement; 2) The physical modification of PA66 is to addinorganic filler into PA66 system, so as to achieve the effect offilling, toughening and strengthening [7]. At present, the commonlyused reinforcing agents and toughening agents for PA66 mainlyinclude glass fiber, glass beads, carbon fiber, graphite fiber,silica and silicate, etc., all of which can enhance PA66 todifferent degrees [8-14]. However, the preparation process of theabove materials are more complex and the price is higher, whichmakes the price of PA66 rise, which is not conducive to theapplication and promotion of PA66. Calcium sulfate whisker (CSW),also known as gypsum whisker, is a kind of fibrous single crystalobtained from natural gypsum by simple processing. CSW has aregular structure, with an average diameter of 1 ~ 10m and a lengthof 20 ~ 100m. Compared with other reinforced materials, CSW has theadvantages of high temperature resistance, high strength, strongacid and alkali resistance, and good electrical insulation [15-18].In addition to the above advantages, compared with other reinforcedmaterials, the biggest advantage of CSW is its green environmentalprotection, so CSW has a good application prospect. However, thereare few reports on the enhancement of PA66 by CSW. Therefore, PA66/ CSW composites with different CSW content were prepared byblending method, and the effects of CSW content on thecrystallization and mechanical properties of PA66 / CSW compositeswere studied. 1 experimental part 1.1 nylon 66 (PA66): epr-27,relative viscosity 3.0, China Shenma Group; Calcium sulfate whisker(CSW): average diameter 1 ~ 8m, average length 30 ~ 200m, JinanZian Chemical Co., Ltd. 1.2 instrument and equipment co rotatingtwin screw extruder: tse-52, Nanjing Ruiya high polymer EquipmentCo., Ltd; Injection molding machine: sz-90, Guangdong DonghuaMachinery Co., Ltd; Electronic universal tensile testing machine:yg065h, Laizhou Electronic Instrument Co., Ltd; Cantilever impacttesting machine: zbc1000, Metz Industrial Systems Co., Ltd;Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC): Q20, American TA company;Vacuum drying oven: dzf-6050, Shanghai SANFA Scientific InstrumentCo., Ltd. Preparation of 1.3pa66/csw blend sample: firstly, PA66and CSW were dried respectively. Then, CSW and PA66 were blended bytwin-screw extruder, in which PA66 and CSW were added fromdifferent feeding ports respectively, and CSW accounted for 0, 5%,10%, 15% and 20% of PA66 mass. PA66 / CSW composite was extruded,granulated and dried. The dried PA66 / CSW composites were preparedby injection molding machine to test the tensile and impactproperties of the standard spline. 1.4 performance testcrystallization performance test: after drying PA66 / CSWcomposites with different CSW contents, take about 10mg and putthem into an aluminum crucible. Under the protection of nitrogenatmosphere, raise the temperature to 280 at a heating rate of 20 /min, keep the temperature for 3min to eliminate the heat history,then lower the temperature to - 30 at a cooling rate of 10 / min,and then raise the temperature to 300 at a heating rate of 10 /min, and record the heating curve. At the same time, the relativecrystallinity (XC) of PA66 / CSW composite fiber membrane wascalculated by integrating the melting curve and according toformula (1) [13]. XC = hm / H0 (1-A%)  (1), where XC is thecrystallinity; HM is the melting enthalpy of different samples; H0is PA


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