PC ET3113 科思创
更新:2024-11-04 12:11 编号:11191470 发布IP: 浏览:73次- 发布企业
- 东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第7年主体名称:东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司组织机构代码:91441900MA5152YX6E
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 品牌
- 德国科思创
- 型号
- ET3113
- 特性
- 高粘度
- 关键词
- PC ET3113 科思创
- 所在地
- 东莞市樟木头镇百果洞百顺小区三巷5号一楼(注册地址)
- 联系电话
- 18200646066
- 手机
- 18200646066
- 经理
- 蒋珂 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
PC ET3113 科思创---At present, the industrial units ofpolycarbonate vinegar basically adopt the interfacepolycondensation phosgene process. The main process is to preparebisphenol sodium salt from bisphenol and caustic soda solution, addphenol at the same time, and then send it to the phosgene reactor,add dichloromethane, pass phosgene for phosgene reaction. After thereaction, send the reaction solution to the polycondensationreactor, add triethylamine and caustic soda solution forpolycondensation
The creep resistance of PC is very good in thermoplasticengineering plastics, even better than that of nylon and POM. Thisis an important sign of its excellent dimensional stability. Stresscracking: (PC products are prone to stress cracking) the internalstress of plastics is mainly caused by the interaction betweenforced oriented macromolecular chains. Residual stress and stresscracking of PC products are prominent problems. When the bendingstrength of PC is flexed and placed for a certain time, microtearing will occur when the bending stress exceeds its limit value.When the molecular weight of PC is more than 24000, it can bear 35MPa, and when the molecular weight is 22000, it is about 20 MPa.Therefore, when the residual stress or the stress of the product isbelow this value, stress cracking will not occur. Even if theproduct only maintains at the micro tearing stage and does notfurther develop, its service performance will not be affected
PC is a medium wear resistant material (but much better thanmetal). It is worse than nylon, polyoxymethylene, chlorinatedpolyether and PTFE, but better than ABS, polysulfone andplexiglass. The wear resistance of PC can be improved by addingsome fillers, such as PTFE and glass fiber, which can reduce thefriction coefficient and wear amount and increase the PV value. PChas good heat resistance and cold resistance. It can be used in therange of - 100 ~ 130 ℃ for a long time. Its load deformationtemperature is high (130 ~ 140 ℃) and is less affected by load;When the embrittlement temperature is below - 100 ℃, even at - 180℃, it will not break like glass. PC has no obvious melting pointand is in melting state at 220 ~ 230 ℃. Because of the rigidity ofmacromolecular chain, its melt viscosity is much higher than otherthermoplastics
法定代表人 | 蒋珂 | ||
注册资本 | 200万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | 塑胶原料,塑胶助剂,塑胶制品 | ||
经营范围 | 销售:塑胶原料、塑胶辅料、塑胶助剂、塑胶制品;货物进出口、技术进出口。 | ||
公司简介 | 东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司经销批发的塑胶原料、塑胶助剂、塑胶原料畅销消费者市场,在消费者当中享有较高的地位,东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司已与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司经销的塑胶原料、塑胶助剂、塑胶原料品种齐全、价格合理。东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。东莞市晶宏塑胶原 ... |
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