日本宝理塑料 POM M90-45
日本宝理POM M90-44 中粘度 标准级
日本宝理POM HP25X 高刚性 高粘度
日本宝理POM M25-44 高粘度
日本宝理POM M270-44 低粘度 高流动性 短成型周期
日本宝理POM YF-10 PTFE增强10% 耐摩擦磨耗
日本宝理POM YF-20 PTFE增强20% 耐摩擦磨耗
日本宝理POM GH-20 玻璃纤维增强20% 高强度 高刚性
日本宝理POM GH-25 玻璃纤维增强25% 高强度 高刚性
日本宝理POM GB-25 玻璃珠增强25% 低翘曲
日本宝理POM CH-10 碳纤维增强10% 导电性 耐摩擦磨耗
日本宝理POM CH-20 碳纤维增强20% 导电性 耐摩擦磨耗
日本宝理POM CP15X 抗蠕变性
日本宝理 医辽级POM MT8U01 食品级 医辽级
日本宝理 医辽级POM MT24U01食品级 医辽级
MechanicalProperties Pom High Strength, stiffness, good elasticity, wearresistance. Its Mechanical Properties are excellent, specificstrength up to 50.5 MPA, specific stiffness up to 2650 MPA, veryclose to the metal. The mechanical properties of Pom Changed Littlewith temperature, and the change of copolymerized POM was slightlylarger than that of homopolymerized POM. The impact strength of POMis higher than that of ABS and PC, but the impact strength of POMis sensitive to notch. The fatigue strength of POM is veryoutstanding. The fatigue strength of POM under 10 cyclic loading is35MPA, while that of PA and PC is only 28MPa. The creep behavior ofPOM is similar to that of PA. The creep behavior of POM is only2.3% at 20 °C, 21 MPA and 3000 H. The friction Coefficient of POMis small, the wear resistance of POM is good (POM & GT; PA66 & GT;PA6 & GT; ABS & GT; HPVC & GT; PS & GT; PC) , the limit PV is verybig, the self-lubrication is good. When POM products are grinded,it is easy to produce screaming noise under high load.