更新:2025-02-03 09:46 编号:8208538 发布IP: 浏览:144次- 发布企业
- 东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司组织机构代码:91441900MA4WHWD068
- 报价
- 人民币¥21.00元每kg
- 品牌
- CLS400
- 牌号
- PC
- 厂家
- 日本三菱工程
- 关键词
- 透明原料PC眼镜PC防护罩专用医用级 日本三菱
- 所在地
- 东莞市樟木头镇奥园塑金国际8栋214
- 联系电话
- 0769-87600377
- 手机
- 13556776933
- 经理
- 赵琳 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
供应PC,S-2000R, S-3000R低粘,S2001R食品级日本三菱中粘;食品级PC日本三菱7022IR S3000R,S3001R低粘
供应PC医疗级HP2-1H11 透明 沙特创新
供应PC阻燃GN-1002FH WA070(瓷白色)韩国LG,三星充电器专用原料
镜片级 CLV1000 、 CLS1000 、 CLS400 、 CLS3400
耐γ线级 RS-3001R 、 RS-1001R 、 EB-3001R
光扩散级 DS-3002R 7011A、 DS-3002R 7031A 、 DS-3002R 7051A 、 DH-3002R 、 EFD2110U 、 EFD2230U
光反射级 EHR3100 、 EHR3150 、 EHR3400 、 EHR3200 、 EHG2010R
導光板级 HL-3000 、 HL-4000 、 HL-7001 、 HL-8000 、 、
基本级 H-4000 、 H-3000 、 H-2000 、 S-3000 、 S-2000 、 S-1000、 E-2000
阻燃级-1 N-9 、 EFT2200 、 EFT3200 、 EFT3200H 、 EFT3200 、
阻燃级-2 FPR3000 、 FPR3500 、 FPR4500 、 EFR2150 、 EFR2151H 、 EFR3000
SAE适合级 ML-200 、 ML-300 、 ML-400
一般玻纤强化级 GSH2010R2、 GSH2020R2 、 GSH2030R2 、 GSH2040R2 、
Qingdao Zhongxinhuamei polycarbonate PC, a special material forgoggles, has high transparency, good impact resistance and is noteasy to be broken. Impact resistance is strong, basically notbroken, and refractive index is high, thin lenses, non-toxic,transparent, lightweight and so on, is specialized to do gogglesmaterial. In general, medical goggles should be anti-corrosive toprevent the erosion of some highly corrosive potions, anti-impactto prevent the damage to the eyes caused by objects that may beproduced during close-in surgery, and good anti-foggingperformance, make sure the paramedics have a clear line of sight.During the fight against 2019-ncov, most of the goggles used byhealth care workers were of the isolated type. As the basicmaterial of industry, the performance of the new material decidesthe innovation degree of the products to some extent, so it hasbeen listed as the seven strategic emerging industries and the"Made in China 2025" key development field. In this anti-epidemicfront-line, in the fight against new pneumonia front-line "threebig pieces" goggles, protective clothing, masks, there are also"new materials" actively participate in the shadow. What are thematerials that can be used for goggles? China New Huamei SmallSeries recommend for you. Goggles, also known as protectiveeyewear, is a kind of eye protection products. According todifferent environmental needs, it has the functions of anti-liquidsplashing, anti-harmful light, such as strong visible light,infrared light, ultraviolet light, laser and anti-high-speedparticle impact, anti-dust. Goggles are generally composed oflenses, frames and lanyards. At present, most of the market gogglesare made of polycarbonate (PC) . Dust-proof glasses in a dustyenvironment, the General Lens fastness requirements are not high,whether the eye mask type or flat mirror, are made of ordinary flatglass lenses. Shock-resistant glasses are used to prevent smallparticles from flying out of the eye, and their lenses are requiredto be shock-resistant. For example, lathe workers, Sanders andstone cutters should all wear shock-resistant glasses. If theseworkers wear general dust-resistant glasses, then iron sand andgravel fly when hit glasses were broken, eyes
成立日期 | 2017年05月09日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘华容 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
经营范围 | 塑胶原料、塑胶颜料、塑胶助剂、塑胶制品、其他化工产品(不含危险化学品);货物进出口、技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 | ||
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- 防火PP,台湾南亚,3307,331711.00元/kg
PP:阻燃V0 - PA66 101L-杜邦中国29.00元/kg
pa66:高粘度 - 耐候抗UVABS台湾奇美76313.00元/kg
台湾奇美:抗紫外线 - POM/美国杜邦/100P(齿轮材料)16.00元/kg
POM塑料:齿轮材料 - PP台湾南亚3117 ENC112.00元/kg
台湾南亚:PP阻燃级 - SURLYN 美国杜邦 160165.00元/kg
沙林树脂:高尔夫球专用料 - ABS台湾奇美抗紫外线 ABS12.00元/kg
品牌:台湾奇美 - PA66-杜邦美国-101F29.00元/kg
纯树脂尼龙:PA66高粘度 - 日本三菱PC CLS400防目镜原材料19.00元/kg
日本三菱:防目镜原材料 - 美国杜邦耐磨级POM,500CL 500T15.00元/kg