更新:2021-05-11 08:00 编号:7916486 发布IP: 浏览:42次- 发布企业
- 东莞市彤达塑胶原料有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:东莞市彤达塑胶原料有限公司组织机构代码:91441900MA4X3YNA1T
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- 东莞市樟木头镇百果洞社区帝豪街6巷1号一楼
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Hytrel 8238 邵氏硬度D82 标准性能聚酯弹性体
Hytrel DYM250 (TPC+PBT)中等模量 聚酯弹性体具有优异的抗冲击性用于气囊门应用
Hytrel DYM350 (TPC+PBT)中等模量 聚酯弹性体具有优异的抗冲击性用于气囊门应用
Hytrel G3548 邵氏硬度D35 标准性能聚酯弹性体具有不变色稳定剂
Hytrel G4074 邵氏硬度D40 标准性能聚酯弹性体具有热老化保护
Hytrel G4078 邵氏硬度D40 标准性能聚酯弹性体具有不变色稳定剂
Hytrel G4078L 邵氏硬度D40 标准性能聚酯弹性体具有耐光性
Hytrel G4774 邵氏硬度D47 标准性能聚酯弹性体具有热老化保护
Hytrel G5544 邵氏硬度D55 标准性能聚酯弹性体具有热老化保护
Hytrel HTR237BG 邵氏硬度D45, 润滑, 高粘度聚酯弹性体用于吹塑成型
Hytrel HTR4275 邵氏硬度D55 高粘度聚酯弹性体具有良好的耐热老化性能用于吹塑成型
Hytrel HTR6108 61 Shore D High Performance PolyesterElastomer with Low Permeability to Fuels and Oils
Hytrel HTR6437G1 邵氏硬度63D, 玻纤增强, 高性能聚酯弹性体
Hytrel HTR8068 邵氏硬度D44, 阻燃, 聚酯弹性体用于挤出和注塑成型
Hytrel HTR8136BK 邵氏硬度49D, 热稳定, 高粘度聚酯弹性体用于吹塑成型
Light and heat induced oxidation are the two main factors ofpolyether ester elastomer degradation aging, peg-pbt copolyesterheat and light resistance are poor, thermal oxidation degradationand photoaging degradation is very serious. Heating acceleratesdegradation. With the decrease of molecular weight in the agingprocess, the breaking elongation of the material decreases and theinstantaneous elastic recovery rate becomes worse.In addition,polyether ester elastomers also have different degrees ofhydrolysis, and the amount of gel formation increases due to thecross-linking reaction of polyether ester elastomers in water.Peg-pbt copolyester was implanted in vivo as biomaterial, whichtook advantage of its characteristics of easy hydrolysis anddegradation. Peg-pbt copolyester is degraded in water and followsthe hydrolysis mechanism, that is, the H2O molecule attacks theester group between PEG and PBT and breaks the chain. Thedegradation products are PEG and low molecular weight PBT. Thedegradation rate is affected by composition, temperature, pH value,enzyme and other factors. The higher the PEG content, temperatureand pH value is, the faster the degradation rate will be. Byadjusting the contents of the two components, the degradation ratecan meet the requirements of different USES.\\
成立日期 | 2017年09月12日 | ||
法定代表人 | 阮文滔 | ||
注册资本 | 100万 | ||
主营产品 | PC塑胶原料 POM塑胶原料 PA66塑胶原料 PBT塑胶原料 TPU塑胶原料 | ||
经营范围 | 销售、研发:塑胶原料、化工原料(不含危险化学品)、高性能膜材料、塑胶制品、塑胶助剂、塑胶机械;货物进出口。 | ||
公司简介 | 东莞市彤达塑胶原料有限公司座落于闻名的珠江三角洲—广东东莞市樟木头镇塑胶原料市场,交通便利,是专业经营国内外塑胶原料与改性工程塑料的贸易公司。公司秉承“诚信共赢”的经营宗旨,自成立以来公司始终把“您的满意就是我们的追求”为公司的经营理念,通过人才培养,团队组建,市场资源整合,建立建全了电子商务市场供应系统。为您提供专业的选料加工咨询,满意完善舒心的服务和优质的平价产品;中商塑胶贸易行愿与您携手并进 ... |
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