PMMA 8817

更新:2021-05-11 08:00 发布者IP: 浏览:0次
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Characteristics: PMMA is a colorless transparent glass with aspecific gravity of 1.19 and a lower surface hardness. Easy toscratch by hard objects. Hard to catch fire. But can burn slowly,can still burn after leaving the fire. It is easy to shatter whenburning. The flames are bright, blue at the bottom and white at thetop. A strong smell of fruits, fruits and rotten vegetables.1.Transparency: PMMA is an amorphous polymer whose internal moleculesare arranged in such a way that they do not interfere with thespeed at which light enters its parts. So that all the light raystravel at the same speed. It doesn't distract the light at all.Therefore, PMMA has excellent optical performance and hightransmittance (90-92% related to wavelength). A sheet or bar with avery smooth surface can, within a certain limit of bending, reflectall the light coming in at one end of it,2. Mechanical properties:PMMA's mechanical strength is more than 10 times higher thanordinary glass, but the strength is only moderate compared withother plastics. Its shortcoming is light and brittle,easy craze (or appear silver grain), surface hardness is low, easyabrasiveness loses luster: wear resistance teaches poor. The staticfriction coefficient between them is 0.8, the dynamic frictioncoefficient of steel is 0.45~0.50, so easy to abrade.3. Electricalperformance: the electrical performance of PMMA is good. Acrylicmaterials especially in low frequency working conditions. However,some of its electrical properties are unique: the tangent of thedielectric loss Angle decreases as the frequency increases.Temperature and frequency affect the dielectric constant. Climateand humidity have little effect on electrical performance. But theelectrical performance than PE, PS e Thermal performance:the thermal performance of PMMA is not good enough, the servicetemperature is only 80℃. Acrylic plastics can be copolymerized withdiesteryl glycol acrylate or propylene methacrylate through itsmonomer, crosslinked to improve heat resistance. The specific heatof PMMA is lower than that of most thermoplastics. It is conduciveto rapid thermoplasticization. In addition, it also has certaincold resistance. At a low temperature of -50℃~ -60℃, the impactstrength changes little.

PMMA 8817 Germany win win degussa application scope:PMMA has theadvantages of light weight, low price and easy to shape. Dissolvedin organic solvents such as methyl ether, can form a good film andgood dielectric properties, can be used as a dielectric layer withfield effect tube.Its molding methods are casting, injectionmolding, machining, hot molding and so on. Injection molding, inparticular, can be mass produced, the process is simple, low cost.Therefore, it is widely used in instrument parts, automotivelights, optical lenses, transparent pipe. Plexiglass acrylic(acrylic) in the construction industry in the construction of theapplication of plexiglass acrylic (acrylic) is mainly used in thebuilding lighting, transparent roof, roof, telephone booth, stairsand room wall panels; Sanitary ware has bath crock, washbasin,makeup and other products. The application in highway and highgrade road lighting lampshade and automobile lamps is also Among them, the market of building daylighting body, bathcrock, street advertisement light box and telephone booth growsfast, future development space is bigger, market prospect is verybroad.As cities hotel, hotel and senior residential building,architectural lighting body is developing rapidly in China, usingplexiglass (acrylic) acrylic extrusion plate made of light body,with the overall structure of the high strength, light weight, highlight transmittance, high safety performance special advantages,compared with inorganic glass mining light place, has greatsuperiority.In the United States and Japan, laws have made itmandatory to use plexiglass acrylic in building glass in schoolsand kindergartens. With the continuous improvement of Chinese lawsand regulations, it is expected that in the near future, Chineselaws will also require the use of plexiglass acrylic in the glassconstruction of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. Atthe same time, the pace of urban construction was acceleratedacross China, with street signs, advertising light boxes andtelephone booths appearing in large Numbers, many of which weremade of acrylic acrylic.

所属分类:中国橡胶塑料网 / PMMA
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