更新:2025-02-02 08:00 编号:6439162 发布IP: 浏览:128次- 发布企业
- 东莞市业强塑胶原料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第8年主体名称:东莞市业强塑胶原料有限公司组织机构代码:91441900MA4WKPMX0C
- 报价
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- 品牌
- 美国首诺
- 型号
- 21SPC
- 产地
- 进口原料
- 关键词
- 美国首诺21SPC,美国首诺,美国首诺PA66,21SPC
- 所在地
- 东莞市樟木头塑金国际15栋
- 联系电话
- 0769-22103662
- 手机
- 18025120985
- 销售经理
- 刘洋平 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Ascend Performance Materials Operations LLC
Vydyne 21SPC is a general-purpose PA66 resin. Available innatural color. It is designed principally for injection-moldingfabrication. This resin offers a well balanced combination ofengineering properties characterized by high strength; rigidity;good toughness; high melt point; good surface lubricity; abrasionresistance; and resistance to many chemicals, machine and motoroils, solvents and gasoline.
Vydyne 21SPC permits production of molded parts with goodinitial color plus good property and color retention when usingregrind. This resin is recognized by Underwriters Laboratories andconforms to the requirements of many industrial, federal andmilitary specifications for premium-quality, general-purpose PA66resins.
Internally and externally lubricated for improved machine feed andexceptional mold release. Vydyne 21SPC is intended for use inhigh-productivity applications. In many applications, the moldingcycle can be reduced because parts may be removed from the cavityat higher temperatures. In difficult molds where parts have atendency to stick in the cavity, Vydyne 21SPC can reduce oreliminate the need for mold release sprays. Critical molded-partdimensions should be checked against specifications beforeimplementing shorter molding cycles on a routine productionbasis.
Typical Applications/End Uses:
Vydyne 21SPC has been used in many molding applications such asterminal blocks, bearings, bushings, cams, electrical connectorsand housings, electrical cable ties/tie straps and many otherhardware and general industrial parts.
成立日期 | 2005年02月12日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘洋平 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
经营范围 | 塑胶原料 塑胶辅料 塑胶制品 | ||
公司简介 | 东莞市业强塑胶原料有限公司业强集团总部位于台湾,旗下东莞市业强塑胶原料有限公司自2005年2月成立以来,积极参与市场竞争,不断完善规范化管理,使企业经营规模不断发展壮大共同进步,共同发展,本公司长期供应各种塑胶原料.长期合作的品牌有德固赛、朗盛、杜邦、旭化成、沙伯基础、三菱、巴斯夫、lg、东丽、南亚、帝人、拜耳、台湾长春、台湾奇美、台湾台化、宝理、瑞士ems、荷兰dsm、泰科纳、阿科玛、韩国工程塑 ... |
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