Exploring the Enhanced 2+1 Chain Dynamic Model
更新:2024-11-02 13:30 编号:31154485 发布IP: 浏览:10次- 发布企业
- 东莞市微三云大数据科技有限公司商铺
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Exploring the Enhanced 2+1 Chain Dynamic Model: RevolutionizingEcommerce Growth
Unpacking the 2+1 Chain Dynamic Model
Innovative Business Structure
The 2+1 Chain Dynamic Model revolutionizes traditional ecommerceby integrating consumer engagement with entrepreneurialopportunities. At its core, the model offers consumers the chanceto become agents by purchasing specific packages (e.g., 499 yuan),subsequently qualifying them as agents and granting correspondingrewards. This structure encourages rapid team formation andenhances brand loyalty through direct referrals.
Reward System Dynamics
Direct Referral Rewards: Agents earn immediatebonuses for each direct referral's purchase, incentivizingproactive customer acquisition.
Order-Based Rewards: As agents recruit otherswho, in turn, make purchases, higher-level "boss" status isachieved, earning additional rewards based on order volumesgenerated within their network.
Level-Based Rewards: The model introducesparallel rewards for bosses at the same hierarchical level,stimulating collaboration and mutual benefit.
Support and Bonus Rewards: Fulfilling specificplatform tasks, such as recruiting two new bosses or achieving teamcomposition benchmarks, unlocks additional bonus potential,reinforcing sustained engagement.
Divisional Bonuses: Distinguishing betweenhierarchical ranks (V1, V2, V3), each category maintains distinctbonus pools, distributed proportionally to individual teamcontributions, thus perpetuating a cycle of shared success.
Ecommerce Platform Integration
Enhanced User Interface: The model's frontendcapabilities streamline user navigation and engagement, optimizinguser experiences and increasing transactional fluidity.
Profit Yield Analysis
Elevated Functional Features
Expanding user bases is manageable, but the recruitment of newparticipants is more challenging. Today's market promotion strategyemphasizes advertisement spending, intending to boost rapid teamdevelopment and swift investment. The 2+1 Chain Dynamic model mayhelp you achieve this goal, yet the model is just a tool. Only alegally compliant operational platform is crucial to the long-termsuccess of businesses. Commercial models abound, yet standardcommercial consumer market platforming is not easy to satisfy, andnow many consumers seek new forms of consumption.
成立日期 | 2019年05月13日 | ||
注册资本 | 1000 | ||
主营产品 | 软件开发,电商系统,商业模式,社交电商系统,营销系统,营销模式,小程序开发,公众号开发,免费商业模式设计,私域电商系统,云平台,云视商系统,供应链系统,恒定数字积分系统,收银系统,广告机系统,联盟链系统,元宇宙系统,拍卖交易平台,NFG系统,恒定积分系统,知识付费系统,,企业商学院系统,拍卖系统,广告屏系统,系统源码,电商营销系统,模式设计,模式定制,循环购模式,消费增值模式,工会排队模式,返利模式,裂变模式,引流模式,引流系统,盲返模式,全返模式,新零售模式,超级云APP,DAPP开发,APP开发,AI数字孪生直播系统,APP搭建,链动2+1 | ||
经营范围 | 数据处理;网络、光电一体化、物联网、数据处理、信息技术的研发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让;维修计算机、办公设备;工程和技术研究与试验发展;大数据资源服务;云计算服务;物联网技术服务:互联网信息服务,云平台网络数据处理和存储,大数据、计算机软硬件、网络系统设备的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务;计算机信息系统集成;计算机信息系统集成;科技项目咨询服务。 | ||
公司简介 | 【微三云】作为国内领先的移动电商系统提供商,致力于让再小的商家也有自己的大数据!创立于2013年,是高新技术企业、双软认证企业,专注于移动应用系统研发和行业生态链建设的创新型科技企业。目前旗下拥有““云平台、云视商、恒定积分系统、供应链、超级云APP、元宇宙NFG、联盟链系统、广告机系统、收银系统”9大产品系列,全面帮助企业经营移动社交电商和全渠道新零售,通过构建技术、资本、运营“三位一体”的整体 ... |
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