2025-01-10 09:00 1次- 发布企业
- 顺捷进出口有限公司(报关物流部)商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:鹤壁市顺捷进出口有限公司组织机构代码:91410611MA9KTEBAXC
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- 境外的二手工业机器人进口
- 所在地
- 东莞市南城街道袁屋边社区华源大厦409室
- 联系电话
- 15818318684
- 手机
- 15818318684
- 联系人
- 邢雪斌 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
责任清关: 旧设备进口清关、二手机器进口国际物流
国际着名机器人品牌:ABB (瑞典),Cloos 克鲁斯(德国),Comau柯马(意大利),Denso 电装(日本),Fanuc 发那科(日本),HYUNDA I现代(韩国),IGM艾杰莫(奥地利),Kawasak i川崎(日本),KOMATSU 小松(日本),Kuka 库卡(德国),Mitsubishi三菱(日本),MOTOMAN 安川(日本),Motoman 莫托曼(日本),NaChi 越(日本),OTC (DAIHENCorporation) 欧地希(日本),Reis 莱斯(意大利),SIASUN 新松(中国),staubli史陶比尔(瑞士)等
1, the new robot can be shipped directly to the port ofdestination customs in Guangdong, guests can also choose thedelivery to Hongkong, from Huanggang import customs declaration,and after the completion of delivery to your car factory in Hongkong.
2, if the industrial robot used it, you cannot be shippeddirectly to the port of destination, because the provisions ofChina inspection and Quarantine Bureau, must be completed in theinspection before all mechanical equipment imported second-hand,made the inspection certificate before entry declaration, ifdelivery is not suitable to do the inspection, you can choose thedelivery to Tengda Hongkong warehouse management, warehouse inTengda is seized in the designated warehouse, for all kinds ofunexpected special circumstances there are a lot of practicalexperience.
3, inspection certificate, shall go through the formalities forcustoms declaration to the port of destination barge.
1, the port regulatory authorities to inspect the goods, dividedinto commodity inspection and inspection of goods. Inspectionrequirements, inspection and customs declaration, the owner,supervision department staff, at the same time there. The ownermust send a relevant proper import function performance of goodstechnicians arrived at the scene, in order to meet the supervisiondepartments in the inspection process of the technicalquestions.
2, the import of mechanical and electrical, especially importedsecond-hand machinery, the owner in the heart, safety, fastreading, close to the standard procedures. First of all, generallyspeaking, security is no problem, because the import of goodsbefore the release, has been placed under the customs supervisionof the pier, the goods have not been hand, has been placed in thecontainer. The dock loading and unloading, but also standardizedregular operations. I think the import speed should be the biggestappeal, the owner of the cargo, after all, can be put into use oraccelerated trade accelerate capital turnover. This is also one ofthe indicators of service to check the import agent.
3, when the import agent services, of course, to consult whetheron behalf of terminals and storage and other small cost operationobjective, don't look at these small links, sometimes it can savemanpower for the owner.
Wanhone supply chain service port branch: Shanghai, Dalian Port(Headquarters), Tianjin port, Qingdao port, Beijing airport, Ningboport, Guangzhou port, Xiamen port, Shenzhen port, Chengdu airport,Wuhan, welcome to inquire negotiate.
法定代表人 | 邢雪斌 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 木材、食品、化工、化妆品、新旧二手设备国外提货海运,出口报关,中检装运前检验,报关报检,清关送货www.gang-sen.com | ||
经营范围 | 销售:预包装食品、电子设备及配件、电线电缆、通用机电设备及配件、通用机械设备及配件、木材、化妆品、石材、玻璃、塑料制品;有关物流的信息咨询服务;货物或技术进出口(国家禁止或涉及行政审批的货物和技术进出口除外)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 进出口代理业务范围:国际海运、航空货运、进口报关报检、进口商检备案、进口香港中检、进口单证办理、国际仓储、香港拼柜快件进口等全套进口代理业务。A.货运代理:国际海运、国际空运、中港运输、越南线运输、国内拖车送货。B.报关报检:东莞/深圳/广州/宁波/厦门/上海/天津/青岛等全国各大港口均由代理报关服务中心,提供专业代理报关服务。C.CCIC中检:旧机械设备装运前检验、油漆涂料化工备案申请、香港中检 ... |
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