2025-01-10 08:00 2次- 发布企业
- 东莞市通标科技服务有限公司商铺
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- 东莞CPSIA检测,REACH检测机构-邻苯二甲酸盐6P测试公司
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2018年 12 月 17 日,欧盟于官方期刊(OJEU)发布法规(EU) 2018/20051, 修订 REACH法规(EC)1907/2006 附录 XVII 第 51 条邻苯二甲酸盐要求,新法规自 2019 年 1 月 7日生效。管制范围从玩具及儿童护理产品扩大至其它消费品;新引入邻苯 DIBP,综合原有 DEHP、DBP 及BBP,加严玩具及儿童护理产品的要求一共限制 4 个邻苯的使用。
On 17December 2018, the European Commission published Regulation (EU)2018/20051 in the Official Journal of the European (OJEU) to amendthe phthalates requirement under entry 51 of Annex XVII toRegulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Annex XVII). The regulationshall enter into force from 7 January 2019, the scope ofrestriction is extended from toys and childcare articles to coverall other articles. A new restriction on the use of DIBP, inaddition to the current restriction on DEHP, DBP and BBP, isintroduced which means there will have a restriction on 4phthalates and a stricter requirement will be applied for toys andchildcare articles.
Background 分类为致生殖毒性 1B 的 DEHP、DBP、BBP 及 DIBP(简称 4 个邻苯)在现有 REACH法规附录 XIV2授权清单下,其日落日期为 2015 年 2 月 21日。欧盟化学管理署(ECHA)考虑到使用这些邻苯的产品可能影响人类健康或环境的风险不能充分避免,起草卷宗(REACH 附录 XV卷宗)向欧盟员会提议日落日期后限制4 个邻苯的使用。综合考量利益相关方意见,欧盟委员会认为更多可能使用到 4个邻苯的产品风险需处理,REACH 附录 XVII 第 51 条被修订。REACH 附录 XVII 第 51 条现已限制DEHP、DBP 及 BBP 在玩具及儿童护理产品中的使用,因 DIBP 具相似的危害且可作为 DBP替代增塑剂使用,欧盟委员会认为需限制 DIBP 在玩具及儿童护理产品中的使用,即玩具及儿童护理产品在相应的生效日后 REACH 附录XVII 第 51 条限制 4 个邻苯的用。实际上,作为致癌致畸及生殖毒性(CMR)类物质,DIBP在玩具中的使用不可超过其分类毒性的*大浓度 0.3 % (w/w),因为根据玩具安全指令 2009/48/EC3附件 II 第 III部分第 3 条要求,任何被 CLP 法规 1272/2008 分类为第 1A、1B 及 2类的 CMR物质禁止在玩具、玩具部件中使用,除非其不会被儿童接触(包括吸入暴露)。DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP (‘thefour phthalates’) are listed in Annex XIV2 to REACH regulation assubstances toxic for reproduction, category 1B, with a sunset dateof 21 February 2015. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) considerthe use in articles of these substances poses a risk to humanhealth or the environment that is not adequately controlled andhence, prepared a dossier (Annex XV dossier) for a restrictionproposal to the European Commission (EC) after the sunset date ofthe four phthalates. After considering the opinions from differentstakeholders, the EC considered that risk for the four phthalatesneeds to be addressed in the EU to cover a wider scope of productsand hence, the entry 51 of REACH Annex XVII is revised accordingly.The REACH Annex XVII is currently restricting toys and childcarearticles containing DEHP, DBP and BBP to be placed on the EUmarket. By considering DIBP has a similar hazard profile to theother 3 phthalates and DIBP can replace DBP, the EC takes the viewthat the placing on the market of toys and childcare articlescontaining DIBP should also be restricted. Thus, REACH Annex XVIIentry 51 will be a restriction of four phthalates in toys andchildcare articles after the corresponding effective date.Actually, as a substance being classified as carcinogenic,mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR), DIBP is alreadyforbidden in toys according to the general prohibitions of the ToySafety Directive 2009/48/EC3 with a requirement of no more than 0.3% (w/w). This is because substances that are classified as CMR ofcategory 1A, 1B or 2 under Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 shall notbe used in toys, in components of toys or in microstructurallydistinct parts of toys, unless they are inaccessible to children inany form, including inhalation, according to point 3 of Part III toAnnex II to Toys Safety Directive 2009/48/EC.
除以上 DEHP、DBP、BBP 及 DIBP 要求,现行 REACH 附录 XVII 第 52 条仍限制DINP、DIDP 及 DNOP 在玩具及儿童护理产品可被放入口的塑化材料中的使用。现行及新修订限制比对详见表 1。
Apartfrom the bans of DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP, plasticized materials intoys and childcare articles which can be placed in the mouth bychildren are also being banned from containing other 3 phthalates(DINP,DIDP and DNOP) currently under entry 52 of REACH Annex XVII.Table 1 shows a comparison on the original and the newrestrictions.
表 1:REACH 附录 XVII 第 51 条现行限制及新修订比对
Table1 Summary of the original and the new restrictions in REACH AnnexXVII entry 51
现行限制 Original restriction | 新修订限制 New restriction | |||
限制邻苯 Restricted Phthalates | DEHP (CAS No.: 117-81-7) DBP (CAS No.: 84-74-2) BBP (CAS No.: 85-68-7) | DEHP (CAS No.: 117-81-7) DIBP (CAS No.: 84-69-5) | ||
限制范围 Scope of restriction | 用于玩具及儿童护理产品 塑化材料的物质或混合物 Used as substances or inmixtures in plasticised material in toysand childcare articles 玩具及儿童护理产品中的 塑化材料 Plasticised material in toysand childcare articles place onthe market | 用于玩具及儿童护理 产品塑化材料的物质 或混合物 Used as substances or in mixtures in plasticised material in toys and | 玩具及儿童护理 产品中的塑化材料* Plasticised material* in toys and childcare articles place on the market | 普通消费品#中的 塑化材料* material* in articles# place on |
限值 Limits | 0.1%(加和) 0.1 % by weight of theplasticised material (sum) | 0.1%(单个或加和) 0.1% by weight of theplasticised material (individually or sum of thefour phthalates) | ||
生效日期 Effective Date | 现行 Current | 2019年1月7日 7 January 2019 | 2020年7月7日后 After 7 July 2020 |
Plasticised material is defined as the following homogeneousmaterials
a)聚氯乙烯(PVC)、聚偏二氯乙烯(PVDC)、聚醋酸乙烯酯(PVA)及聚氨酯 (PU)Polyvinyl chloride(PVC), polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC), polyvinyl acetate (PVA),polyurethanes(PU)
Anyother polymer (including, inter alia, polymer foams and rubbermaterial) except silicone rubber and natural latex coatings
Surface coatings, non-slip coatings, finishes, decals, printeddesigns
Adhesives, sealants, paints and inks #不在限制范围内的产品
Examples of articles that are excluded from the restriction
1)**工业、农业用途或专业户外用品,如果产品没有接触人体黏膜或长期皮肤接触(比如持续接触时间超过 10 分钟或每天间断接触超过 30分钟)的塑化材料
Articles exclusively for industrial / agricultural use / use inopen air, provided that no plasticised material comes into contactwith human mucous membranes or into prolonged contact with humanskin (i.e. Continuous contact of more than 10 minutes duration orintermittent contact over a period of 30 minutes, per day.)
2)2024 年 1 月 7 日前上市的飞行器及指令 2007/46/EC 管控的汽车,或仅用于维护或修理的产品
Aircraft and motor vehicles (Directive 2007/46/EC) placed on themarket before 7 January 2024, or articles for use exclusively inthe maintenance or repair of them
Measuring devices for laboratory use;
4)受法规(EC) No1935/2004 或(EU) No10/2011 管控的食品接触类材料及产品
Foodcontact material and articles within the scope of Regulation (EC)No 1935/2004 or Commission Regulation(EU) No 10/2011
5)医疗器械(指令 90/385/EEC,93/42/EEC 或 98/79/EC)
Medical devices (Directive 90/385/EEC, 93/42/EEC or 98/79/EC)
6)RoHS 指令 2011/65/EU 下的电子电气产品
Electrical and electronic equipment within the scope of Directive2011/65/EU
7)药品直接包装(法规(EC) No 726/2004、指令2001/82/EC或指令2001/83/EC)
Immediate packaging of medicinal products (Regulation (EC) No726/2004, Directive 2001/82/EC or Directive 2001/83/EC)
成立日期 | 2020年12月20日 | ||
法定代表人 | 王楚牛 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | REACH SVHC、RoHS2.0、卤素,VOC,TSCA,FDA,LFGB,MSDS,SDS,TDS,加州65检测认证 | ||
经营范围 | 科技中介服务;企业管理咨询;商务信息咨询;测试管理体系认证;产品分析测试服务及咨询服务;产品质量检验、检测;销售:电子、电器产品;测试技术咨询服务。 | ||
公司简介 | 我们的服务行业广泛,含盖了轻工、材料、纺织、电子、食品、化工、矿产、机械等。核心优势以客户为导向,提供快捷,周全,保密的认证服务我们提供本地化测试服务,避免任何中间环节,大大降低认证成本;我们熟悉标准,理解标准,能让您的产品真正的最快最准确的完成测试;选择我们,您就选择了时间测试服务:环保检测项目:CMA,CNAS,REACHSVHC、RoHS2.0、卤素、邻苯Phthalate6P/8P/16P ... |
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