供货地区 | 北美洲欧洲亚太地区 |
添加剂 |
特性 | 高刚性高强度抗溶剂性快的成型周期耐化学品性能,良好耐磨损性,良好耐汽油性耐油性能韧性良好润滑通用脱模性能良好 |
用途 | 衬套电气/电子应用领域工业应用紧固件连接器汽车领域的应用通用凸轮外壳轴承 |
机构评级 | ASTM D4066 PA0111ASTM D6779 PA0111EC 1935/2004EU 2023/2006FDA 21CFR 177.1500FED L-P-410AMIL M-20693BNSF 51SAE J1639 PA0121 Z6欧洲10/2011 |
RoHS合规性 |
UL文件号 |
外观 |
形式 |
加工方法 |
物理性能 | 干燥 | 调节后的 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
密度 | 1.14 | -- | g/cm³ | ISO1183 |
收缩率 | ISO294-4 | |||
垂直 : 23°C,2.00 mm | 1.7 | -- | % | |
流动 : 23°C,2.00 mm | 1.8 | |||
吸水率 | ISO62 | |||
24 hr,23°C | 1.2 | |||
平衡, 23°C,50% RH | 2.4 | |||
室外适用性 (全部) | f2 | UL746C |
Vydyne 21SPC is a general-purpose, unfilled, lubricated, PA66resin. Designed principally for injection-molding fabrication, thisproduct offers a combination of engineering propertiescharacterized by high strength; rigidity; good toughness; high meltpoint; good surface lubricity; abrasion resistance; and resistanceto many chemicals, machine and motor oils, solvents andgasoline.
21SPC permits production of molded parts with good initial colorplus good property and color retention when using regrind.
21SPC is intended for use in high-productivity applications. Inmany applications, the molding cycle can be reduced because partsmay be removed from the cavity at higher temperatures. In difficultmolds where parts have a tendency to stick in the cavity, 21SPC canreduce or eliminate the need for mold release sprays. Criticalmolded-part dimensions should be checked against specificationsbefore implementing shorter molding cycles on a routine productionbasis.