基础创新塑料PC 915AU BK1E366T抗紫外线PC

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PC 915AU BK1E366T,抗紫外线PC
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基础创新塑料PC 915AUBK1E366T抗紫外线PC




基础创新塑料PC 915AU BK1E366T抗紫外线PCTorelinaA505D7--PPS者合性与价在目前IT产速锐变之势下当引材工程师之意,然亦临金及他工塑胶之竞。如Solvay AdvancedPolymers公所推之Amodel是一Polyphthalamide(PPA)脂,及Xydar液晶高分子材等皆与PPS同性者竞敌。PPS于合时已难异也空,诸公则于杂术上当下,设法降本或加其气。而用PPS所开之新材则不绝妻孥,以下将介数得也。

  1. 供应PC 141R沙伯基础 低粘度HB无卤 易脱模 注塑级
    2.供应PC 143R沙伯基础 抗紫外线 低粘度HB无卤 易脱模 注塑级
    3.供应PC 144R沙伯基础 食品级 低粘度HB易脱模 注塑级
    3.供应PC 1414 沙特创新 耐低温-40℃ 中粘度 注塑级
    4.供应PC 241R沙伯基础 阻燃V-0低粘度 易脱模 注塑级
    5.供应PC 243R沙伯基础 抗紫外线 阻燃V-0易脱模 注塑级
    6.供应PC 3412R沙伯基础 含20%玻纤 阻燃V-0易脱模 注塑级
    7.供应PC 3413R沙伯基础 含30%玻纤 阻燃V-0易脱模 注塑级
    8.供应PC 3414R沙伯基础 含40%玻纤 阻燃V-0易脱模 注塑级
    9.供应PC 500R沙伯基础 含10%玻纤 阻燃V-0易脱模 注塑级
    10.供应PC 503R沙伯基础 含10%玻纤 抗紫外线 阻燃V-0易脱模
    11.供应PC 505R沙伯基础 含10%玻纤 无卤阻燃V-0
    12.供应PC 925沙伯基础 无卤阻燃V-0注塑级
    13.供应PC 925U沙伯基础 抗紫外线 无卤阻燃V-0注塑级
    14.供应PC 940沙伯基础 阻燃级V-0中粘度 注射成型 本色和黑色
    15.供应PC 940A沙伯基础 阻燃级V-0表面光洁度良好 中粘度 本色和黑色
    15.供应 PC 940A-116沙伯基础 阻燃防火V-0,中粘度,本色和黑色
    16.供应PC 943沙伯基础 抗紫外线 阻燃级V-0中粘度 本色和黑色
    17.供应PC 943A沙伯基础 耐候性改良 阻燃级V-0表面光洁度良好 中粘度
    17.供应PC 943A-116沙伯基础 阻燃防火V-0 中粘度,本色和黑色
    18.供应PC 945沙伯基础 抗紫外线 无卤阻燃V-0注塑级
    19.供应PC 945A沙伯基础 无卤阻燃V-0注塑级 本色和黑色
    20.供应PC 945U沙伯基础 抗紫外线 无卤阻燃V-0注塑级 本色和黑色
    20.供应PC 945A-116 沙伯基础 阻燃防火V-0 本色和黑色
    21.供应PC 1500沙伯基础 尺寸稳定性好 杀菌性好 无卤 耐高压加热性HB
    22.供应PC 2605德国拜耳 中粘度V-2易脱模 注射成型
    23.供应PC 6557德国拜耳 抗紫外线 阻燃V-0中粘度 易脱模 注塑级
    24.供应PC 6555德国拜耳 阻燃V-0中高粘度 易脱模
    25.供应PC 2405德国拜耳 热稳定性V-2低粘度 易脱模 注塑级
    26.供应PC 2407德国拜耳 抗紫外线V-2高流动 低粘度 易脱模 注塑级
    27.供应PC 2858德国拜耳 食品级 耐水解V-2中粘度 易脱模
    28.供应PC 2805德国拜耳 热稳定V-2中粘度 注射或挤塑 易脱模
    29.供应PC 2807德国拜耳 抗紫外线V-2中粘度 易脱模 注塑级
    30.供应PC 2856德国拜耳 食品级 耐水解V-2中粘度 易脱模 注塑级
    31.供应PC 2456德国拜耳 食品级 耐水解V-2低粘度 易脱模 注射成型
    32.供应PC 2458德国拜耳 食品级 高流动V-2耐水解 可辐射消毒 易脱模 注塑级
    33.供应PC L-1250Y日本帝人 中粘度HB易脱模 注坯吹塑成型
    34.供应PC FPR3500日本三菱 阻燃V-0高流动
    35.供应PC S-3000VR日本三菱 食品级 低粘度V-2耐候性改良 易脱模 注塑级
    36.供应PC S-2000VR日本三菱 食品级 中粘度V-2耐候性改良 易脱模 注塑级

  2. 基础创新塑料PC 915AU BK1E366T抗紫外线PC

  3. In recent years, due to the continuous development of China'seconomy, especially the sharp demand in the field of it electronicsand the strong demand in the future pillar industry automobilefield, coupled with the demand for raw materials for infrastructuresuch as urban development and construction in Western China,statistics show that China's demand for PC raw materials is thefastest growing in the Asia Pacific region. The data fully showthat the annual growth rate of China's demand for polycarbonate inrecent years has been maintained at about 15%, and the demandreached about 700000 tons in 2005. Among them, 170000 tons are inthe field of it electrical appliances, 100000 tons are in the fieldof transparent sheet and plate, 40000 tons are in the field ofoptical discs, 30000 tons are in the field of pure water buckets,and about 20000 tons are in the field of lighting and aviationparts. The driving force of its rapid growth mainly comes fromChina, and the domestic demand for PC is expected to reach about800000 tons in 2006.
    基础创新塑料PC 915AU BK1E366T抗紫外线PC

    The common transmittance of PC material is about 88%, but thetransmittance of its high transparent PC material can reach 90% ~92%. Combined with its high refraction and high impact resistance,it occupies a very broad market space in the optical field. Due toits good thermal deformation and dimensional stability, it can makehigh-precision optical materials. The PC share of ordinaryspectacle lens has been increasing steadily every year At present,the melt index of high mobility PCs developed by major PCmanufacturers can reach more than 100, which is suitable for verythin-walled products and can be as low as 0.3mm. Typicalapplications include the optical disc industry. At the peak of2002, there were 750 optical disc production lines in China, with aconsumption of 80000 tons. Due to the lack of domestic technologyat present, there are many problems Mature, these special materialsmainly rely on imports.

    PC raw material has high impact resistance, thermal deformationtemperature above 120 and excellent UV resistance linearity(suitable for outdoor), and its low odor characteristics can beused in the development and application of automobile parts. Withthe active demand of domestic cars in China in recent years, Lexan503r-739 has great potential in this field. Because this materialcan be widely used at - 40 ℃ and 180 ℃, the electrical insulationis excellent; at the same time, the flame retardant grade of thismaterial can reach 1.5mmv0, which makes it widely used in theelectronic and electrical industry. Polycarbonate sheet has goodlight transmittance, impact resistance, UV radiation resistance,dimensional stability and good molding processability, which makesit have obvious technical performance advantages over inorganicglass used in construction industry.

    SABIC PC 505ru -- PC raw material resin, its outstandingperformance is high impact resistance, small transverse shrinkage,excellent dimensional stability, small creep resistance,temperature resistance above 120 ℃, can operate in 100 ~ 110 hightemperature for a long time, and environmental protection in linewith ROHS requirements. In the five general engineering plastics,the medium-term transparency is relatively * *, excellentcolorability, suitable for shape and color Color of variousproducts, due to the development of the domestic economy, this PCjust come Oh, is also a kind of rapid growth. Due to theoutstanding comprehensive performance of PC raw materials, it isoften used in automobile parts, fireproof electronic equipmentshell, optical disc materials, aerospace field, mobile officesupplies, construction consumables, packaging and medicalfields.

    SABIC PC 505ru - at present, according to the annual output, themain producing areas of PC resin granules are concentrated in theUnited States, Europe and Japan. The total annual reserves of thesethree producing areas account for about 90% of the total PCproduction in the world. There are two characteristics: one is theconcentration and monopoly of high-end PC materials. The productioncapacity of Bayer, Ge, Dow Chemical and teiren accounts for about80% of the world's total production capacity, and the productiontechnology of high-performance PC materials in some cutting-edgefields is also dominated by these companies The company controls,jointly dominates and leads the PC raw material market. Second,with the development of industrial production in Asia, especiallyin China, the demand for PC raw materials is gradually increasing,and the demand for engineering plastics is becoming stronger andstronger. Therefore, some large manufacturers are graduallyfocusing on the production layout planning in the Asia Pacificregion.

    Due to the low density, light material, good transparency and gooddrop resistance of PC resin, it can replace the application ofglass bottle when washing with boiling water and washing solution.With the improvement of people's life, the growth rate ofconsumption in this area will remain at more than 10%, and it isestimated that the consumption will reach 60000 tons by the end of2005. In the medical field, PC materials can be disinfected at hightemperature. For example, Bayer and SABIC PC materials in themedical field can be disinfected by radiation, and can be reusedwithout yellowing. Common applications include the production ofhigh-pressure syringes, surgical masks, disposable dentalappliances, blood separators, etc.


    基础创新塑料PC 915AU BK1E366T抗紫外线PC

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