381-20-CAB 美国伊士曼化学

更新:2021-07-23 07:58 发布者IP: 浏览:1次
381-20-CAB,美国伊士曼化学 381-20,381-20来货了
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CAB-171-15 Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 

Antiblock Additive

Eastman Chemical Company


Eastman cellulose esters are  made from a green,sustainable and renewable resource that can be used as binders,additives, film formers or modifiers in paints, coatings, primers,lacquers and enamels for automotive, wood, plastic, paper, consumerelectronics and leather applications, in graphic arts, inks andoverprint varnishes. These high Tg materials provide improvementsin key properties such as rheology control, dry time, appearance,metal flake orientation, sag, flow and leveling, block resistanceand print resistance.

CAB-171-15 has the lowest butyryl content and the lowest degreeof solubility in the Eastman- cellulose ester family. Filmsprepared with this ester offer superior toughness and hardness whencompared with films prepared from other mixed esters.



CAB-381-0.1  Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate

CAB-381-0.1  Eastman- Cellulose Acetate Butyrate

CAB-381-0.1 is a cellulose ester with medium butyryl content andlow viscosity. It was designed for use where low applicationviscosities at relatively high solids levels is needed. It issupplied as a dry, free-flowing powder.

CAB-381-0.5 Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate  AntiblockAdditive

CAB-381-0.5 Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 

Eastman cellulose esters  aremade from a green, sustainableand renewable resource that can be used as binders, additives, filmformers or modifiers in paints, coatings, primers, lacquers andenamels for automotive, wood, plastic, paper, consumer electronicsand leather applications, in graphic arts, inks and overprintvarnishes. These high Tg materials provide improvements in keyproperties such as rheology control, dry time, appearance, metalflake orientation, sag, flow and leveling, block resistance andprint resistance.

CAB-381-0.5 is a cellulose ester with medium butyryl content andlow viscosity. It was designed for use where low applicationviscosities at relatively high solids levels is needed. It issupplied as a dry, free-flowing powder.

CAB-381-2 Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 

Eastman cellulose esters  are  made from a green,sustainable and renewable resource that can be used as binders,additives, film formers or modifiers in paints, coatings, primers,lacquers and enamels for automotive, wood, plastic, paper, consumerelectronics and leather applications, in graphic arts, inks andoverprint varnishes. These high Tg materials provide improvementsin key properties such as rheology control, dry time, appearance,metal flake orientation, sag, flow and leveling, block resistanceand print resistance.

CAB-381-2 is a cellulose ester with high butyryl content andhigh ASTM(A) viscosity. It offers a combination of solubility andcompatibility, moisture resistance, excellent surface hardness, andgood film strength. It is supplied as a dry, free-flowingpowder.

CAB-381-20 Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 

Eastman cellulose esters are  solvers made from a green,sustainable and renewable resource that can be used as binders,additives, film formers or modifiers in paints, coatings, primers,lacquers and enamels for automotive, wood, plastic, paper, consumerelectronics and leather applications, in graphic arts, inks andoverprint varnishes. These high Tg materials provide improvementsin key properties such as rheology control, dry time, appearance,metal flake orientation, sag, flow and leveling, block resistanceand print resistance.

CAB-381-20 is a cellulose ester with high butyryl content andhigh ASTM(A) viscosity. It offers a combination of solubility andcompatibility, moisture resistance, excellent surface hardness, andgood film strength. It is supplied as a dry, free-flowingpowder.

CAB-500-5 Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 

CAB-500-5 is a cellulose ester with high butyryl content, lowhydroxyl content, and medium viscosity. It produces a relativelysoft, flexible film re little or no plasticizer in manyapplications and offers a wide range of solubility andcompatibility.

CAB-531-1 Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 

CAB-531-1 is a cellulose ester with a higher butyryl level thanCAB-381 series esters, but due to its flexibility, it re plasticizer modification. When combined with thermoplasticacrylic resins, it produces tough, weather and marr resistantfilms.

CAB-551-0.01 Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate

Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate CAB-551-0.01

Eastman cellulose esters are versatile problem solvers made froma green, sustainable and renewable resource that can be used asbinders, additives, film formers or modifiers in paints, coatings,primers, lacquers and enamels for automotive, wood, plastic, paper,consumer electronics and leather applications, in graphic arts,inks and overprint varnishes. These high Tg materials provideimprovements in key properties such as rheology control, dry time,appearance, metal flake orientation, sag, flow and leveling, blockresistance and print resistance.

CAB-551-0.1 is a cellulose ester with high butyryl content andlow viscosity. Its high degree of solubility offers an economicadvantage allowing a wide range of solvents and solvent combinationchoices. It also provides improved compatibility with variouscoating resins.

cab-551-0.2 Eastman cellulose acetate butyrate 

product description:

Anti agglomeration additive

Eastman cellulose acetate butyrate 


Eastman cellulose ester is a green and sustainable renewableresources, can be used as binder, additives, paint, paint, paintfilm forming agent, modifier, paint and enamel, wood, plastic,paper, automotive, consumer 

electronics and leather, in the graphic arts, printing ink andlight oil. These high thermal weight materials provide improvedcritical properties such as rheological control, drying time,appearance, metal sheet orientation, depression, 

flow and flatness, block resistance and resistance toprinting.

Cab-551-0.2 is a cellulose ester with high butyryl content,relatively low molecular weight. Its good compatibility withvarious kinds of resin systems and its solubility in 

a wide variety of solvents make it useful as an additive in alarge number of coating compositions.

CAB-553-0.4 Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate  AntiblockAdditive  Eastman Chemical Company

Eastman Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB-553-0.4)

Eastman cellulose esters  are versatile problem solversmade from a green, sustainable and renewable resource that can beused as binders, additives, film formers or modifiers in paints,coatings, primers, lacquers and enamels for automotive, wood,plastic, paper, consumer electronics and leather applications, ingraphic arts, inks and overprint varnishes. These high Tg materialsprovide improvements in key properties such as rheology control,dry time, appearance, metal flake orientation, sag, flow andleveling, block resistance and print resistance.

CAB-553-0.4 is soluble in low molecular weight alcohols as wellas other common organic solvents. It will produce colorless filmswith good ultraviolet stability and is supplied as dry,free-flowing powder, offering maximum formulating convenience andflexibility

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