韩国工程塑料POM F30-03
供应POM韩国工程塑料 F20-52塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 F20-63塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 F30-03塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 F30-34塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 F30-51塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 FG2025塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 FL2010塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 FL2020塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 FM2020塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 F10-01塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 F10-02塑胶材料
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供应POM韩国工程塑料 F20-03塑胶材料
供应POM韩国工程塑料 F20-51塑胶材料
Polyoxymethylene is a kindof solid formaldehyde with high formaldehyde content, which isgranular and convenient for storage and transportation. It can bechanged into Formaldehyde vapor at higher temperature, easilyreplace high concentration of Formaldehyde to participate invarious reactions, and is favorable for chemical synthesis,pharmaceutical and other industrial applications, in particular,the use of Anhydrous Formaldehyde as raw material in the synthesis,a wide range of uses. There are mainly the following aspects (1)pesticides: Synthesis of Acetochlor, Butachlor and Glyphosate, etc.(2) coatings: Synthesis of high-grade Automotive Paint; (3) Resin:Synthetic urea-formaldehyde Resin, Phenol formaldehyde resin resin,polyacetal resin, Melamine Resin, Ion-exchange Resin and otheradhesives; (4) paper: Synthetic Paper reinforcing agent; (5)casting: sand stripping agent, synthetic casting adhesive; (6)aquaculture: fumigant disinfectants. (7) organic raw materials:Used for the preparation of Pentaerythritol, trimethylolpropane,glycerol, acrylic acid, Methyl acrylate, methacrylic acid,n-hydroxymethylacrylamide, alkylphenol, Methyl Vinyl Ketone, etc. .(8) others: Medicine and disinfection. POLYFORMALDEHYDEthermoplastic crystalline polymer. Known as "Super Steel" or "steelmatch" , also known as polyoxymethylene. Short for POM. Thepolymers usually obtained by Formaldehyde polymerization have lowdegree of polymerization and are easy to be depolymerized by heat.Can Be used as organic chemicals, synthetic resin raw materials,also used as * * * Fumigant.