PP 中石化茂名 EPS30R
PP 中石化茂名 N-S30G 150 160EPC30R-H EPT30R MPRM150 N-T30S N-X30G N-Z30S
PP 中石化茂名 T30ST30S(粉) Z30S F280M F34E HT9020MN-MPHM-160
PP 中石化上海 GM1600E M800EM800HS T300 M1600E
PP 中石化海南 V30G Z30S T30S
PP 中石化广州 F280M J-641 J501J700 J700G J832-T F400-H J640 JS-700 CJS-700
PP 中石油抚顺 T30S
PP 中石油大连 T30S
PP 中石油兰州 EPC30R
PP 中石油大庆 T30S
PP 中石油大庆 EPS30R
PP 中石油独山子 A180TM
茂名石化PP原料:T30S、V30G、EPT30R、EPC30R、EPS30R、Z30S ;
In recent years, with the rapid development of packaging,electronics, automobile and other industries, it has greatlypromoted the development of China's industry. Polypropylene (PP) isa kind of thermoplastic synthetic resin with excellent properties,which is a colorless translucent thermoplastic light generalpurpose plastic. And because of its plasticity, polypropylene isgradually replacing wood products, high strength toughness and highwear resistance has gradually replaced the metal mechanicalfunction. In addition, polypropylene has a good graft and compositefunction, in concrete, textile, packaging and agriculture, forestryand fisheries has a huge application space.