更新:2025-02-01 10:37 编号:10104373 发布IP: 浏览:92次- 发布企业
- 东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司组织机构代码:91441900MA4WHWD068
- 报价
- 人民币¥17.00元每kg
- 品牌
- 代理商
- 型号
- 原厂原包
- 产地
- 日本宝理
- 关键词
- 日本宝理PBT宝理原料代理商
- 所在地
- 东莞市樟木头镇奥园塑金国际8栋214
- 联系电话
- 0769-87600377
- 手机
- 13556776933
- 经理
- 赵琳 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
The processing technology of PBT must be dry for 3 hours at 110 ~120 °c, the processing temperature is 250 ~ 270 °C, and the moldtemperature is 50 ~ 75 °C. Because the material from the meltingstate after refrigeration, it will immediately crystallize, so thecooling time is shorter; if the nozzle temperature control is notgood (slightly low) , flow channel (water part) easy refrigerationdry solid, there will be blocked. If the temperature of the barrelexceeds 275 °C or the waiting time of the wear-resistant materialin the barrel exceeds 30 minutes, the raw material will dissolveand become brittle easily. PBT injection processing with a lot ofwater into the rubber, not suitable for the application of hotrunner system, mold shell exhaust pipe to be excellent, suitablefor "high speed, high pressure, medium temperature" standardforming production processing, fire safety material or add glassfiber PBT nozzle material is not suitable for recycling, shutdownto use PE or PP material immediately clean material tube, in orderto prevent carbonization. PBT is a thermosetting polymer, fordifferent manufacturers to apply, generally is how much will addpreservatives, or with other plastic compound fertilizer, withdifferent proportion of additives, can produce differentspecifications and models of goods. Because PBT has heatresistance, aging resistance, good electrical equipmentcharacteristics, water absorption capacity, good gloss, widely usedin electronic and electrical, automotive parts, mechanicalequipment, household appliances, etc. , and PBT COMMODITIES ANDPPS, PC, POM, PA, known as the five universal rubberproducts.
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理2000 高流动性
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理2002 优良的延展性
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理2002K 耐磨损 - 润化级,加上PTFE润化
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理2002U 耐老化好
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理2016 防火等级V-0
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理201AC 阻燃性HB
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理201NF 阻然阻燃性V-0
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理209AW 防火等级V-0,耐磨损级
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理300FP 高流动性,挤压成形
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理303RA 30%玻璃纤维提高,粘合力强
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理304s店A 15%玻璃纤维提高,抗涨缩,耐磨损
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理3100H 7.5%玻璃纤维提高,优良的延展性
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理3105 15%玻璃纤维提高,阻燃性
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理3105A 15%玻璃纤维提高,阻燃性,粘合力强
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理3105H 15%玻璃纤维提高,优良的延展性
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理3106 15%玻璃纤维提高,优良的表层光滑度
PBT华韵企业经销商高刚度 提高高耐高温PBT日本宝理310NF 10%玻璃纤维提高,阻然阻燃性
成立日期 | 2017年05月09日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘华容 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
经营范围 | 塑胶原料、塑胶颜料、塑胶助剂、塑胶制品、其他化工产品(不含危险化学品);货物进出口、技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 | ||
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- ABS PA-718奇美(PA-718)15.00元/kg
特性:高光泽 - 阻燃V0 PC+ABS C6600 美国GE23.00元/kg
品牌:抗紫外线 - 尼龙66|德国巴斯夫|A3WG529.00元/kg
品牌:加玻纤增强GF25% - K胶韩国菲利普(衣架原材料)17.00元/kg
品牌:KR-01高光泽 - PBT德国巴斯夫原材料18.00元/kg
品牌:PBT - 德国巴斯夫K胶(食品级原材料)22.00元/kg
品牌:648D - PA66杜邦美国FR50(阻燃V040.00元/kg
品牌:加纤GF25% - 原厂原包PC/ABS SG-5009F韩国LG22.00元/kg
品牌:高光泽 - 德国巴斯夫PBTB4406G428.00元/kg
品牌:加玻纤GF20% - K胶 KR-03 KR-0119.00元/kg